Strengths Solutions for You

"Lead from strengths, build other's strengths"

Our goal is to provide solutions services in the most effective way that support your, your team’s, and your organization’s success. We do so in three ways, sometimes in a mixture of the three:

  • Courses and Workshops
  • Coaching—individual and group
  • Consulting

Courses & Workshops

Currently, courses and workshops focus on three areas of leadership success, workforce & team success, and career success.

Click any title to jump to information about that course or workshop

Why our courses and workshops are different

All courses and workshops feature a combination of content, coaching, and community. The content is the course or workshop itself, and they include worksheets and workbooks. Group coaching happens during weekly or bi-weekly Zoom calls and individualized coaching is also available as needed.  The community happens through private Facebook groups that foster interaction, mutual support and encouragement, and discussions, as well as success partners.

And EVERY course or workshop features immediately applicable action items to foster your success, including developing a Success Action Plan and working with a Success Partner.

A key feature of all our courses and workshops is that of DESIGN. We don’t believe your leadership or career success, or the success of those you lead, is down to luck or constructive circumstances or good genes. Instead, we help you take control of your own success by purposefully and intentionally designing your success and, for leaders, in helping team members design their success.

We also focus on STORY. Story is how human beings make sense of their world and their experiences. Story is fundamental to being human and to make decisions. Whether you are leading a team or applying for a job, we help you tell your story in a way that engages and inspires others and draw them in emotionally.

And, of course, we focus on STRENGTHS. As we show in the earlier pages of this website, strengths are the true foundation of success in your career, your home life, your community life. One element of our design focus is our 4-A ladder, helping you move from Appreciating your Strengths to Activating your Strengths to Amplifying your Strengths to Advocating for Strengths.  Put link to 4A ladder page here

If you would like a course or workshop customized to your organization or team, we can do that too!  Just contact me at using the contact form and I will call you to discuss.


Click the title of any course or workshop that interests you to find out specific details, costs, dates, etc., and to register.

Success Through Strengths Foundations Workshop

This 2-hour workshop forms the foundation for all other courses and workshops. It includes your first strengths profile and the first half of the workshop introduces the strengths paradigm, why strengths are your foundation for success, and an extensive debrief of your strengths profile to help you to Appreciate your strengths, the first step on the 4-A ladder. The second half of the workshop focus on Activating your strengths and some tools and techniques for doing so.

Power Up Your Leadership!

In our signature program the focus is on leaders using their strengths to build leadership confidence and credibility, increase leadership effectiveness and abilities, and grow leadership careers. Comprising three levels following the Success Through Strengths workshop, the program features two additional strengths profiles to give you a comprehensive understanding of your full suite of strengths and how to activate them, singly and in combination.

  • Course 1: Leading Self
  • Course 2: Leading Others
  • Course 3: Leading Teams

The HITS (High-Impact Takeaways)

  • Build your leadership confidence and credibility, increase your leadership effectiveness, grow your leadership career.
  • Develop your Leadership Success Action Plan to guide you now and in the future.
  • Learn how to lead yourself first by activating your strengths in your day-to-day leadership activities and projects as the first stage in becoming a strengths-powered leader.
  • Build on your self leadership to first lead one or two individuals within your team and then to lead the team as a whole, truly becoming a strengths-powered leader.
  • Become a strengths finder—build your ability to identify the strengths of your team members and to help them appreciate, activate, and amplify their strengths as individuals and as a team.
  • Explore how to use strengths approaches and practices in team leadership areas such as recruitment, learning & development, project management, and performance management & development
  • Learn to use your strengths to make you an effective coach for your team.

Power Up Your Leadership! Leading Change

Everything we’ve covered in the previous courses in this series is about leading change but now it’s time to get into more depth. From learning about different kinds of change and how strengths-powered leadership supports all three to determining the most effective change leadership approaches, your will also learn how to beat one of the biggest issues of change leadership—how to actually execute, or implement, the changes and avoid the “great strategy, no execution” syndrome.

The HITS (High-Impact Takeaways)

  • Recognize the difference between change management and change leadership and how to integrate them.
  • Explore the three main types of change from simple to complex and how strengths-powered leaders achieve success in leading in all three.
  • Determine the most effective change leadership approaches for each change initiative.
  • Discover the VOICES framework (©KPC 2022) as a powerful tool for moving from change strategy to change implementation.

Supercharge Your Job Search!

Building on the Success Through Strengths Foundations workshop, you will learn how to apply you’re your strengths to developing a résumé that wows recruiters and hiring managers and gets you in the Yes Pile for interviewing plus writing a powerful cover letter. Then you’ll focus on how to ace a job interview with strengths-powered interview approaches and practices.

  • Course 1: Supercharge Your Résumé and get in the Yes pile.
  • Course 2: Supercharge Your Job Interview.

The HITS (High-Impact Takeaways)

  • Discover how to research the job to make sure it’s a fit for you and then convince recruiters you are a fit for them.
  • Build a job search strategy that is repeatable as often as you need.
  • Develop a strengths-powered résumé that is targeted to a specific job opening and to exactly what the employer needs, showcasing your strengths, expertise, and abilities.
  • Learn how to tell a story that excites and intrigues recruiters and interviewers and convinces them you are the very person they need to achieve their goals.
  • Discover how to build an emotional connection between you and recruiters/interviewers, in your résumé and your job interviews.
  • Learn how to prepare for a job interview that grounds you in confidence, ready and able to show how you are the perfect candidate, the person who can deliver what the employer needs, in both short- and long-term.

Under development:

If any of these courses and workshop sound just right for you, let us know and we’ll put you on the “Find Out First” list.

  • Supercharge Your Job Descriptions
  • Supercharge Your Hiring
  • Supercharge Your Performance System
  • From Manager to Leader to Team Coach
  • Supercharge Your Job Search for the Technology Field
  • Supercharge Your Job Search for the Medical Field



I provide coaching directly—no handing your off to others. I offer individualized, group, and customized group coaching.  Contact me by filling out the form <here> or emailing me at or calling me and we can discuss your or your team’s needs and determine the most effective approach to success.

Coaching occurs over Zoom or Microsoft Teams, whichever works best on a schedule that works for you or for the larger group, and by phone if necessary.

A key feature of coaching is our Success Action Plan, a living document in which you plan and then design your success. The intent is that you continue working with this plan even when your coaching program ends. Other key features include:

  • A focus on results (what happens) and outcomes (what changes because of what happens).
  • Empowering and enabling you to act, not just talk.
  • Releasing insights, potential, and more.
  • I act as a partner in achieving your success—everything I do is to support you.
  • Opening your minds to thinking differently.
  • Bringing you to clarity and a strong sense of purpose.
  • Actively designing your success.
  • Building your ability to think at the systems level and strategically.
  • Looking beyond mere change to transformation—creating your success.

Individualized coaching means exactly what it says. I work directly with you and only you to help you achieve your goals and aspirations. Sessions may be weekly or further apart, customized to your needs and your schedule.

Group coaching means you will be part of a cohesive, collaborative group, supporting each other in achieving your individual goals and aspirations. Again, we will work on a schedule that works for the group. Group coaching also features success partners with each participant teamed with another to share ideas, encouragement, accountability, and inspiration.

Customized group coaching means working with a group of people from the same organization to support not only individual but also team or organizational success. The group may be an actual team or may be drawn from various parts of the organization. Much of the focus will be on achieving team or organizational goals, yet never losing sight of individual ones.


I also work with organizations or organizational units to foster change and transformation. Contact me by filling out the form <here> or emailing me at or calling me and we can discuss your or your team’s needs and determine the most effective approach to success.

Key features of my consulting are:

  • I focus on increasing the strengths and capabilities in your people, reducing future reliance on external consultants.
  • Incorporates a strong coaching element to achieve the above.
  • Encourage systems and strategic thinking to attain true transformation and get away from putting out fires all the time.

Systems based—addressing how each element of change has an impact on all the other elements to foster congruence and integration.

Consulting Focus Areas

  • Culture change—I don’t just tell you what needs to change but help everyone understand why, the specific drivers of and barrier to a productive culture in your organization or team, as well as specific behaviours that need more or less of.
  • Leadership Development
  • Workforce Success
  • Strategy Development & Implementation
  • Change Leadership
  • Building a Strengths-Powered Organization
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